var dates = new Array(); var dcount = 0; function menu() { var cyear = 0; var cmonth = 0; var mcount = 0; var mcost = 0; for(i = count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if(!games[i].valid && games[i+1].valid) { //display once at the start of invalid games if(mcount == 1) document.write("
(" + mcount + " game - $" + mcost.toFixed(2) + ")

"); else document.write("
(" + mcount + " games - $" + mcost.toFixed(2) + ")

"); } if(games[i].valid && (cyear != games[i].purchase_date.getFullYear() || cmonth != games[i].purchase_date.getMonth())) { if(i != count - 1) { //don't display on first game if(mcount == 1) document.write("
(" + mcount + " game - $" + mcost.toFixed(2) + ")

"); else document.write("
(" + mcount + " games - $" + mcost.toFixed(2) + ")

"); } mcount = 0; mcost = 0; cyear = games[i].purchase_date.getFullYear(); cmonth = games[i].purchase_date.getMonth(); document.write("" + makeMonthYearStr(games[i].purchase_date) + ""); if(cyear == current_year && cmonth == current_month) { current_index = dcount; } dates[dcount++] = cmonth + "?" + cyear; } mcount++; if(games[i].valid) { if(isJapanesePurchase(games[i])) { mcost = mcost + (games[i].price / 120.0); } else { mcost = mcost + games[i].price; } } } document.write("
"); if(previousExists()) document.write("previous month"); if(previousExists() && nextExists()) document.write("
"); if(nextExists()) document.write("next month"); } function makeDateId(date) { var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth(); var day = date.getDate(); if(month < 10) month = "0" + month; if(day < 10) day = "0" + day; return year + "" + month + "" + day; } function nextMonth() { if(current_index == 0) return ""; return dates[current_index - 1]; } function nextExists() { return (nextMonth() != ""); } function previousMonth() { if(current_index == dcount - 1) return ""; return dates[current_index + 1]; } function previousExists() { return (previousMonth() != ""); } function getMonthStr(month) { if(month == 1) month = "January"; if(month == 2) month = "February"; if(month == 3) month = "March"; if(month == 4) month = "April"; if(month == 5) month = "May"; if(month == 6) month = "June"; if(month == 7) month = "July"; if(month == 8) month = "August"; if(month == 9) month = "September"; if(month == 10) month = "October"; if(month == 11) month = "November"; if(month == 12) month = "December"; return month; } function makeMonthYearStr(date) { var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth(); month = getMonthStr(month); return month + " " + year; } function makeDateStr(date) { var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth(); var day = date.getDate(); month = getMonthStr(month); return month + " " + day + ", " + year; } function purchaseEquals(game1, game2) { var date1 = game1.purchase_date; var date2 = game2.purchase_date; return (date1.getFullYear() == date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() == date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() == date2.getDate() && == && == && game1.state == game2.state); } function purchaseDateEquals(game1, game2) { var date1 = game1.purchase_date; var date2 = game2.purchase_date; return (date1.getFullYear() == date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() == date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() == date2.getDate()); } function getDailyPurchasedCount(index) { pcount = 1; for(j = index; purchaseDateEquals(games[index], games[j]) ;j--) { if(!purchaseEquals(games[index], games[j]) && !purchaseEquals(games[j], games[j+1])) { pcount++; } else if(j == count) { pcount++; } } return pcount; } function content() { var suffix = new Array('', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); var sindex = 1; document.write(""); for(i = count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if(games[i].valid && games[i].purchase_date.getMonth() == current_month && games[i].purchase_date.getFullYear() == current_year) { if(i == count - 1 || (i != count - 1 && !purchaseEquals(games[i], games[i+1]))) { if(i != count - 1 && !purchaseDateEquals(games[i], games[i+1])) sindex = getDailyPurchasedCount(i); else if(i == count - 1 && purchaseDateEquals(games[i], games[i-1])) sindex = getDailyPurchasedCount(i - 1) + 1; if(i == count - 1 && purchaseEquals(games[i], games[i-1])) sindex--; sindex--; document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(''); } } } document.write("
' + makeDateStr(games[i].purchase_date)); //document.write('  ' + makeDateId(games[i].purchase_date) + suffix[sindex] + ''); document.write('

'); } document.write(""); if(games[i].japan) document.write(games[i].title + ' (Import)'); else document.write(games[i].title); document.write(' / ' + games[i].console + ' ' + games[i].company.toLowerCase() + ' // ' + games[i].genre.toLowerCase() + ''); document.write('
'); if(isJapanesePurchase(games[i])) { var store_in = getJapaneseIndex(games[i].store); var city_in = getJapaneseIndex(games[i].city); var state_in = getJapaneseIndex(games[i].state); var store_html = jcode[store_in].htmlcode; if(store_html == "") store_html = jcode[store_in].key; var store_url = jcode[store_in].urlcode; if(city_in == -1) { var citystate_html = jcode[state_in].htmlcode; if(citystate_html == "") citystate_html = jcode[state_in].key; var citystate_url = jcode[0].urlcode + jcode[state_in].urlcode; } else { var citystate_html = jcode[state_in].htmlcode + jcode[city_in].htmlcode; if(citystate_html == "") citystate_html = jcode[city_in].key + ", " + jcode[state_in].key; var citystate_url = jcode[0].urlcode + jcode[state_in].urlcode + jcode[city_in].urlcode; } } else { var store_html = games[i].store; var store_url = store_html var citystate_html = games[i].city + ", " + games[i].state; var citystate_url = games[i].city + ",+" + games[i].state; } if(games[i].state == "") { //if state is null, then it's a website var store_in = getWebsiteIndex(games[i].store); var location_html = wcode[store_in].key; var location_url = wcode[store_in].url; var clickhere = "site"; } else { var location_html = store_html + " in " + citystate_html; var location_url = '' + store_url + '&near=' + citystate_url + '&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1&iwloc=A'; var clickhere = "map"; } document.write(' -- ' + location_html + ' (' + clickhere + '). '); if(games[i].used) document.write("Used"); else document.write("New"); document.write(" for "); if(isJapanesePurchase(games[i])) document.write("¥" + games[i].price); else document.write("$" + games[i].price); document.write(""); document.write('

'); if(i == 0 || (i != 0 && !purchaseEquals(games[i], games[i-1]))) { document.write('
"); }