What an amazing idea for a soundtrack! Instead of simple being a soundtrack to a game that fits in both Action and Rhythem games, have the soundtrack be an auditory guide on the perfect play. Well, at least, that is what I hoped the soundtrack would be.
My first impressions of the CD was, "OHhHHhh, shiny!" Everything about the presentation of this CD is beautiful and shiny. The booklet is shiny, and the cover art on the disc is shiny. So pretty.
Then, I dug into the package and popped the CD into the player. The music is actually the unRezed versions of the tracks mixed in the game. "Duh," you might think. But, I most hoping for something related more to the game. Something more like Parrapa the Rapper's soundtrack which is a perfect play. On the other hand, with the original versions of the songs, you can hear all the original beats and rhythm and understand how they were molded and mixed into the game.
Next, the booklet went back to my original idea for the package. Each page in the booklet is devoted to each stage in Rez. It gives an explanation of the stage along with imagery and further information. After looking through this beautiful presentation, why the hell was the instruction booklet for the game in black and white? You can get a far higher sense of the game looking through this soundtrack book rather than the manual. Cheap Sega of America.
Some beautiful stickers are also included with the package.
In my opinion: This is a great purchase for anyone in love with Rez or Techno in general.
"You can transform the world into your original sounds, Lights and Vibrations just by locking and shooting the enemies. You will discover the brand new time full of rhythm as well as ecstasy. The instinct "Rez" is now finally being released. Can you really tear yourself from this sense of trance ? "