Projects & Works

Collected on this page are several projects and creative works I've done throughout the years. These range from programming projects, artwork, film, and writing.

Programming / Webpage

Keyword Word Cloud Page

I have created a page that finally surfaces all the keywords connected to every post on the site. This page displays a word cloud of all the keywords, alphabetically, and their size is determined from their significance.

Photo Collage Page

Over 25 years, I've been taking photos and displaying them online, here. In fact, displaying my artwork was the original purpose for creating my website in the first place. To help restore that purpose, I've added a Photography page that displays all the important and significant photos I've taken over the years.

Programming / Local App

OPL Theme and Loadout

OPL, or Open PS2 Loader, is a UI application that runs on the Playstation 2 and serves games. OPL can be configured with different visual themes, and it can show graphics and information about each game.

This is a copy of all of OPL files on my Games server, minus the games.

Writing / Translation

Arrival - Dual Language Subtitles

In order to show one of my favorite movies to a class at school, I made some dual language subtitles for Arrival. There is English at the bottom and Japanese on top.

The subtitles are timed to show each quote with the same information during the same time frame.

Artwork / Graphics

Analogue Pocket Platform Images

This is a complete set of Images and Overrides that covers all currently released cores for the Analogue Pocket.

Images for arcade games are inspired by the original marquee images used for the arcade cabinet. Images for consoles, handhelds, and computers are show the shape and contours of the console. If you like what you see, download and install them on your Pocket today!

Writing / Presentations

Micro-aggressions in Japan

This year, at our second Skills Development Conference in Gifu, I gave a quick talk and presentation about micro-aggressions. This was part of a "micro-panels" sessions, so this talk was only about 10 minutes. I quickly talked about what they are, what's the problem, and how to deal with them.

Audio & Video / Film

The Secret of Crystania

The Secret of Crystania is a full-length feature fandub project. Tony, Zach, Niehaus, overall 25 members of SPAMM, and I created and finished the film almost 8 years ago, now. We stripped the audio from the movie, and rewrote it from the ground up with a new script, story, voice acting, sound effects recording, music, and a DVD release. Production started in late 2004, and was completed in Spring 2006. Recently in December 2013, Zach and Tony completed the "Donut of Power Edition" DVD, so feel free to take a look.

Writing / Essay

TEFL Certified

A couple weeks ago, I completed my online course for TEFL certification. The final assignment for the course was to write an essay about one of many different subjects available.

I choose to write about The Role of a Teacher.

Artwork / Multimedia

Oktoberfest Label Magnets

My absolutely favorite kind of beer is Oktoberfest. Last year, I got the idea from my brother to remove the labels and create refrigerator magnets.

This year, I doubled my efforts searching for new beers in Minnesota and Chicago. As such, I've doubled my collection of beer magnets to 52.

Artwork / Drawing

SPAMM T-Shirt 2012

I drew a new design for this year's SPAMM t-shirt. The theme, as always, was to incorporate the annually elected mascot into the design somehow. The 2012 mascot were two cats from some anime I've never heard of, or care about.

This is the first design I've done since 2006, so take a look!

Audio & Video / Music

DJ Promo #3

Last year, I DJed at a friend's party and made a couple of DJ Promos to commemorate and practice for the occassion.

Technical difficulties prevented me from making a December mix, so here we are in February. I finished a new mix of several recent tracks that I have been listening to over and over again. Enjoy!

Audio & Video / Audio

I love Ramen!

Out of all the foods in the world, Ramen stands as one of my top 5 favorites. I love the stuff. Here are two things I created to pay my respects to the amazing food. One is a collage made from my experimenting with the many kinds of instant ramen available at my local asian foods store. The second is a rhyming peom I made for my Japanese history class while studying abroad.