Photo Collage Page

Over 25 years, I've been taking photos and displaying them online, here. In fact, displaying my artwork was the original purpose for creating my website in the first place. Over time, the purpose of my website changed. Photography became more important to me than artwork. Then, writing more focused content became more important.

I continue to take a lot of photos with my digital camera, but those photos are all attached to posts and only viewable at the bottoms of those pages. My writing is always put first.

So, I've made a page that puts my photos first: the Photo Collage Page.

From here, you can view all the photos I've marked as important or significant. You can click into them and view the corresponding post if it's available, too.

Diamond Grid Photos

The photos on the Photo page have been individually selected by me, after sifting through most of the over 20,000 images available on the site. While going through photos, I noticed there were many photo galleries in the directory that didn't have blog posts associated with them. Over time, I will add these posts to the site with the attached images.

I have already added a few of these posts. In particular, I added 2 major clusters of posts. The first cluster was my 2011 trip to Japan with my brother. We traveled around the Kansai region going to Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and few other cities. The second cluster was my 2014 trip to Okinawa. I visited many war sites and met up with my friend Justin while he was stationed there.

These posts are all back dated to when they took place. You can find them through the archive page from June 2011 and July 2014.

Because of these past posts, I have now surpassed 1000 blog entries on the site.

Single Photos

One of the pages I had on a previous version of my site showed off random photos of mine without any real context. These were singular photos that I thought looked nice, so I wanted to those photos on this page too. So, I added a new photo folder on the backend for single photos.

I still continue to take random photos with my camera or my phone when I'm walking around, so I'll continue to add nice looking photos to the Photo page as time goes on.

Further Updates

To match the diamond grid motif, image galleries on posts also have the diamond grid, replacing the original square grid. I might add more 45 degree angles in other places, too, to have more things match. We'll see, though. Keeping things simple around here is still important.