Writer's Guild of America on Strike

For the past couple of weeks, Lostpedia has had some updates with the possibility of a WGA strike, and last night it became officially. The Writer's Guild of America's Contract ended on Halloween and without fair wages and proper benefits to renew their contract, they strike! Which means if this is not resolved in a timely matter, all our favorite shows will see some major hiatus.

As the article states, Late night shows will be the first to suffer and won't be seen tonight. Sitcoms and Dramas, such as The Office, 30 Rock, and Heroes have roughly 5 unaired episodes at their disposal, which will keep the shows "new" until the end of November.

For Lost, lostpedia says that they are in the middle of filming episode 4 of season 4, but with plans to air the show without hiatus, we may see Lost season 4 a bit later than February next year.

Honestly though, this isn't so bad. It'll give us a chance to wake up for our television coma, just as we did in the summer months. We can go outside and enjoy the winter when TV runs out of TV at the end of November. Plenty of time to start renting TV shows out on DVD.

Source: Ain't it cool news