Adobe Max Day One - Online Ads that Attract

With the Internet becoming the number one medium for information and entertainment, Ads agency need to continue to push the envelope building Advertisements that are interesting, playful, and will get more User to buy their product or come to their website.. accomplish their goals in general.

This session seemed like it was going to be about how to make Online Ads really attract to Users, but it turned into a showcase of Eric Natzke's work. Eric Natzke is an artist whose experience with Flash have been self-taught. But throughout his career as a Flash developer and designer he continues to push the envelope of current trends and best practices when making his Flash movies.

Natzke's passion for art and animation and his goals have been facilitated by seeking out advertising jobs and taking each task as a completely new challenge. "Ok, I've done ads for these guys before.. how can I do them better?" He would ask himself with each job that came his way.

This session was really self serving, so i didn't really get a whole lot out of it. Especially since I suck at Flash. I dunno, maybe it's easier these days, but the little I've played around with it and done tutorials simple result in ass, or work except for some bug I cannot solve.

Anywho, check out Natzke at and most of his work can be found at The dude is pretty amazing ^_^