Edge of Tomorrow

For my first year classes at high school, I focus on expression, while other classes focus on grammar and vocabulary. By expression, I mean the native use of the language both from other people using it, and students trying to use it. To accomplish this, we watch a movie.

One of my movies in rotation in Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. I think this movie works really well in class for a number of reasons. The acting is very expressive. There's lots of action. There's a lot of humor too, mostly through situations rather than dialogue. Also, because central plot focuses on the same day replaying again and again, there's lots of repetition in dialogue.

Please read this description post for more detailed information about the film, class ideas, and how the film is used for class.

This class is taught only once a week, and it sometimes gets cut for other events at school. As such, it's not that long. The class is broken up into two parts with tests concluding each part. There are periods of listening and questions leading to tests. The tests are performances between pairs of students.

Contents Time Code Materials
01 Movie Introduction -- Characters and the War 0036 - 0161 Questions
02 Mission Explanation -- Cage talks with the General 0233 - 0488 Listening
03 At the base -- Cage wakes up and meets Sergeant Farrell 0488 - 0628 Listening
04 Base, Battle -- Cage meets his squad. They are sent to battle. 0628 - 1500 Questions
05 Day 2 -- Cage wakes up, and meets the squad again. Character Introduction 1490 - 1930 Listening
06 Day 2, 3, 4, 5 -- Cage continues to enter battle and die. 1490 - 2071 Questions
07 ★ Performance Test -- Cage meets Rita on the battlefield 2056 - 2071 Script
08 Meeting Rita -- The next day, Cage finds Rita 2340 - 2399 Listening
09.1 Alien Explanation -- Rita introduces Cage to Carter 2435 - 2510 Listening
09.2 Alien Explanation -- What are the aliens? 2510 - 2640 Listening
09.3 Alien Explanation -- Controlling the Power 2640 - 2786 Listening
10 The Rule -- Cage and Rita train together 2821 - 2866 Listening
11 Visions -- Cage sees a vision. They talk with Carter again 3025 - 3085 Listening
12 At the bar -- Frustrated, Cage runs away from the army 3278 - 3329 Listening
13.1 Farmhouse -- Cage and Rita make it through the battlefield to a farmhouse 3906 - 4005 Listening
13.2 Helicopter -- Cage and Rita talk about using the helicopter 4005 - 4122 Listening
14 ★ Performance Test -- Cage and Rita at the Helicopter 4100 - 4122 Script
15 At the base -- Cage, Rita, and Carter talk about the Dam 4528 - 4603 Listening

Depending on time, some of these classes can be cut, such as 05, 12. For listening classes, we'll run through the dialogue again and again so students have a chance to listen many times. After listening is complete, we'll quickly go through the meaning of the dialogue so students have an idea of the story up through the current point.

Performance Tests

Each section of the class lead to a performance test. Performance Tests are performed by two students creating a pair. For the first performance test, the dialogue is really short, so students will perform it twice. Once with one student as Rita, the other as Cage. Then they'll switch. The second performance test is longer, so they won't switch for that one.

Performance Tests are graded with the following criteria under the following categories.

Correctness Expression Cooperation
Saying the words with the correct pronunciation.
Remember your lines. Do not look at the script.
Eye Contact
Look at your partner in the eyes at the correct times.
Speak the sentences using the correct rhythm and flow of English.
Facial Expression
Use the correct facial expressions when speaking your dialogue.
Vocal Reactions
React correctly to your partner by speaking your lines with the correct timing.
Speak the dialogue loud enough with the proper volume.
No Laughing / Smiling
Using the correct emotions means that you shouldn't "break" during the scene.
Facial Reactions
React correctly to your partner with facial expressions.
Body Expressions
Use the correct gestures and body movement to convey your dialogue.
Movement Reactions React correctly to your partner with gestures and body movement.
No Standing Still
Using the correct body movement means that you aren't standing still while delivering your dialogue.

Each of these 12 criteria constitutes 2 points each. 0 for not doing it. 1 for doing it. And, 2 for doing it well.

Speaking the dialogue correctly is important, but the goal of the exercise is to correctly express the dialogue together with your partner. Acting isn't something you do by yourself. The scene is a combination of the two actors together, supporting and working off of each other. So, in grading, this is also considered.

The expressions for the first performance test are pretty easy, but the second test has deeper emotions that carry that overall meaning of the scene.


The overall grades for the class are created from 20% participation and 80% test scores.

The participation grade comes from completing the listening assignments in class and turning them in. If you miss class, it's up to you to complete them on your own. Test scores are created from the above criteria.