Hi Friends 1 - Lesson 4 Review

Lesson Plan
Flash Cards

When I started at my new schools, the coordinator said the students had one only class left for Lesson 4. I talked with the previous ALT, and he said he hadn't completed the lesson. So, I basically just did a review lesson. I had the students all do an Interview which each other using the vocabulary and the grammar. Then I did the "Who am I"? Quiz which is from the recommended lesson plans.

Class 1

We reviewed the self-introductions. I introduced the song to them. Then we did the Interview Game using the worksheet.

Class 2

Using the interview worksheet from the previous week, we played the "Who am I?" guessing game based on their answers. Student use what the learned from the interview to guess the person I'm describing.

The Song

After much internet searching, I found the song, "What fruit do you like?" from some English teaching website that didn't have very good security. The song sounds like a swimmy lounge singer from the 20s. It has great flow, and very easy to listen to. The lyrics are really simple, too, and reenforce the grammar for the lesson. ^_^ Great song.

Flash Cards

This is one of the first lessons in the book that doesn't use vector images to draw the pictures in the book. They're all already rastered, so the image look like shit when blown up, and printed out. I have another set of high quality fruit images that I might just use instead next time I come to this lesson.


Eh, it worked fine. Some students didn't know the difference between the singular and plural version of the words, so they'd say, "Do you like peach?" instead of "peaches." Or "I like dog." Next year, I plan on centering the lesson around the pluralization of these words, since that is the point of the chapter. The grammar is way too easy, as they've already had this instruction in previous grades.