Fruits and Vegetables

Lesson Plan
Flash Cards

I had taught some of the younger grades at my previous school, and their process was essentially teaching the same Hi Friends material to the grades, but with a limited vocabulary and more games. After English camp in the summer, I had plenty of left over Fruits and Vegetable flash cards that I decided to make my first lesson about that.

I didn't have a set structure in the beginning, and basically just went class to class. I basically just did the same things I was doing for Hi Friends Lesson 4 with the fruits.

Class 1

Introduce the vocabulary. I actually had several more words that what I used with the 5年生 for Hi Friends. For the Fruits, the students basically already knew them all. Vegetables was more interesting because I don't think they've normally taught them. Eggplant and Green Pepper were the most difficult

Jankan Battle is always a great game to play for an energetic class.

Class 2

I introduced the grammar for "What ___ do you like?" Even though it says I repeated the Jankan Battle game, in class I did something different. I printed a ton of cards, and had the students play Karuta in large groups.

Class 3

I introduced "Do you like __?" and then we played Fruits Basket.

The Song

I used the same song I was singing in the 5年生 classes because it fit the material perfectly, and I never really got tired of it.

Flash Cards

For my flash cards, I went to Google Image search and pulled down the most high quality images I could find.


While I did plan each class, there really wasn't any overall plan for the lesson. It was basically a smaller version of the 5年生 plan. English isn't really a priority for these grades, so many times, classes would get canceled or moved around. It took me almost all of the Fall semester to get through these 3 classes. The next lesson was much more tight.