Bowling and Kung-Fu Shrimp

Bowling class kicks ass. It's the perfect stress reliever during a semester full of projects and homework. It brings back memories of being on my high school bowling team for 5 years.

My score were pretty good today, 176 169 and 151. My ebonite cougar Schlock ball hit the head pin rather consistently. ^_^


Tonight's ramen delight is Ve Wong's Kung-Fu Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Shrimp Flavor.

There were two cooking instructions on the back. I used the main cooking method, rather than the instant method. I boiled water, put the package contents into the water, and then cooked for 3 minutes. It made the noodles rather weak, but it still tasted quite good. The Kung-Fu Shrimp adds some oil along with the seasoning, too, compared with yesterday's Shrimp ramen.

I give Kung-Fu Shrimp 4 out of 5 stars. Quite delicious, although I wish that the noodles were stronger. Maybe I just cooked it too long.