Hi Friends 1 - Lesson 8 - I Study Japanese

Lesson Plan
Flash Cards

This was the last lesson I was able to get to for the 5年生. This lesson is also very similar to the 6年生 classes where it has several new vocabulary the students probably don't know, and completely new grammar they can use with the vocab.

Class 1

The first lesson starts with the Subject vocabulary, and is reviewed for each lesson after. We do the Timer Game, and then the quick listening activity in the book.

Class 2

Further practice with the subjects using "What ___ do you like?" We play the Census Game which comes from the recommended lesson plans. It also works well. :)

Class 3

Introduce the new grammar, "What do you study?" "I study ___." This is the first time the students get new grammar outside the typical "Do you like" pattern. When I initially asked what it meant, several students thought it was more "Do you like". The chain game worked out well, but was difficult to explain.

Class 4

Typically, I think it's a little to introduce more vocabulary, but the students should already know the Days of the Week by now. This is more of a review. And the Jankan Battle game is always a pleaser.

Class 5

Bring both sets of vocab together with the grammar to create, "What do you study on Monday?" "I study English and Japanese." I should've come up with some practice activity, rather than Bingo. Something that the students could continue to practice and use all the words.

Class 6

End on the Interview Game. I couldn't think of anything better than have the students make their own schedule, and then ask each other about it. There's gotta be something more interesting I could do with this lesson to complete it.


The song is carried over from Lesson 7: "Sing" by The Carpenters. For 2 of my classes, I just skipped Lesson 7, so there are 2 versions of Lesson 8 Class 1: one where I introduce the song as new, and one where I don't.

I choose this song because it's a beautiful song. Karen Carpenters has an amazing beautiful voice. Also, some of the students had already heard the song from their older siblings, or their mothers. It's in the Junior High english textbook, and I think they might teach it in Music class.

Only one of my classes really hated the song. But by the end, they were singing it just as well as the other classes.

Also, I tried to stick with only English for the lyrics by the students and teachers complaining about it, so I added Katakana after the fact.

Flash Cards

For the flash cards, I used the Hi Friends Pdf and printed those out. I wanted to flashcards for the Days of the Week, too, but I didn't have the time to find something, so I just wrote the days on the board.


Again, I wished I would've come up with something better to finish the lesson rather than just the Interview Game. Plus, while the students really loved doing Bingo in the prior lesson, I should've had something more interactive for the students to practice everything. There were a few students that were having difficulties during the Interview game, and I think more structured practiced would've helped them out.

This lesson ended up being a bit of a mixed bag. It sucks that I had to end the year on it.