Hi Friends 2 - Lesson 6 - "What time is it?"

Lesson Plan
Flash Cards

This was the last full lesson I was able to get to with my classes for this year. It follows the basic format of introducing vocabulary at the beginning and slowly introducing the pieces of the grammar. The ultimate lesson was just an interview game, though. It would've been nice to come up with something better, but the students didn't seem to mind.

Class 1

Introduce the new song. Then Introduce "What time is it?" and how to tell time in English, then play a game.

Class 2

I was original too ambitious with my planning, so this is split up into 2 versions. It's basically just practicing time, then filling in the times on the world map. But I had too many games planned for the first class.

Class 3

Introduce the "Activity" vocabulary, and play a game.

Class 4

Combine time and activities by asking, "What time do you __?" and Play the True/False game.

Class 5

Continue practicing Activities and Time. Have the students fill out the schedule to use for the next class, then play a game.

Class 6

Have the students interview each with their schedules, and then have them guess the highest and lowest time for the activities.

The Song

There really wasn't any decent song I had available that matched this lesson. Plus, I figured this would be the last full lesson I could do, so I wanted to do a fun song. An actual song outside of the realm of educational. Something they could go to Karaoke and sing with their friends in the future.

I went with Here comes the Sun by The Beatles. Some of the teachers complained a little bit because the students didn't already know the song. Pfft… well, that's the point of teaching it to them.

So much of the song is repeated over and over again, that it's really not that difficult. There's only 4 or 6 unique lines in the whole song. For the amount of time we spent singing this song, I don't think the students ever really learned that part of the song. Most of the time, the students would goof off during the song, or sing to strictly based on the Katakana I wrote.

Another reason for choosing this song is the meaning behind it. "Here comes the Sun" is a song written for the coming spring. I figured it'd be great for them to learn in time for graduation and the coming of a new school year. :)


Overall, this lesson was OK. I'm not really sure what else I could add to the lesson to make it more interesting. Some of the more mathematic students figured out the time zone stuff immediately. Also, doing the time zone stuff is WAY easier with the morning classes. The time is only an hour or two off from the examples in the book. The afternoon classes get a little more difficult with AM v. PM.

I think I was a little too ambitious with the interview game. Much like in the book, I should've used only a few activities, rather than every single one. I originally calculated the average time for each activity too, but it was difficult enough trying to explain the highs and lows to the students.

And, for the practice clocks, I was able to borrow clocks from one of my schools to use in my lesson. There were the same clocks used in the 1年生 classes for teaching time.